Yokai Edition, Devlog #7

Hello everyone, Sunny here! This week we came back with updates, actually really cool updates because we can finally show you the new point system for the game, in the previous edition of Ero-card we manage to make a really simple game, but after the first run or if you were really luck the game felt short, or looks like there's not too much to do after finish the 9 levels, so to upscale the difficult of the game without making it feel unfair we changed the win condition for the levels.  

You can see something new, we have now a soul bar to the right of the game panel.

This bar is going to grow every time you successfully match a pair, and the level ends once you get the bar to 100%, the trick is you have to chain pairs to grow the bar faster, and every level is gonna need more soul power to reach to the top of the bar, so you need to chain your movements to finish the hardest levels.


So this brings now to the next change, we eliminated the movements resource from the mechanics, now you can try to pair as much you want but after finishing 3 screens is game over if the bar is not full.


We expect with these changes make a more engaging experiences and also give you exciting matches we're you get lucky and chain everything in one try, or if you want to beat your own previous score and re-try a level to do it in less screens.

Additionally, we finally have the art from Crisisbeat I don't want to spoil everything so for today we are only gonna have some screenshots, but these scenes are full animated

(Patreons Only) 

So that's all the news we have for this week, we still want to realese this week but as always, we are expecting to have some testing and with that also comes some debugging that we hope is gonna be simple. Thanks everyone for your support, we are getting really close to finish. Let's survive!

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